Spy / Spy  


Su trabajo consiste en la reapropiación de elementos urbanos con una voluntad de juego, elementos que transforma e instala en la calle. His work consists in the playful reappropiation of urban elements, that he replicates or transforms and then installs in the street.


1. Green Fence. Con las Típicas vallas verdes que se encuentran en cualquier calle de Madrid. Green Fence. With the tandard fences found in any street in Madrid.

2. Bullfighting. Bullfighting.
3. Signs. Glorieta de Bilbao. Signs. Glorieta de bilbao
4. Signs. Chueca. Signs. Chueca.
5. Signs. Edificio Windsor. Signs. Windsor building.
6. Signs. Chueca. Signs. Chueca.

7. En las vías de Atocha en memoria de las victimas del 11M. At the railtracks near Atocha station, memorial for the victims of 11M

8. Sede madrileña de la petrolera Repsol. Repsol oil company building in Madrid

9. Traffic light. Gran Via. Traffic light. Gran Via.


10. Frente al Banco de Crédito Español. In front of the Credit Bank of Spain ("risa" translates as "laugh")


